SOI UNICO Campania generica de canal para SOI TV Filmed + Edited by Fini Maza
Los tres primeros videos de la campaña generica de canal soi tv.
El dpto. de Promociones de Soi tv ha diseñado esta campaña SOI UNICO historias en primera persona en las que pretendemos realzar el valor profesional del latino en EEUU.
Detrás de muchas profesiones ocupadas por inmigrantes latinoamericanos en los estados unidos hay una historia de superación.
El proyecto Soi unico ha seleccionado 10 vidas anonimas y no tan anónimas para hacer 10 ID's vídeos.
En esta video-capsulas resumimos estas historias de una manera peculiar
We had a great time making this video and hope you enjoy it as much as we do. We would also like to thank everyone involved with making it happen. To learn more about K3 Projekt Wheels and our all new PROJEKT 1 wheels please visit our site @ WWW.K3PROJEKT.COM. Also "LIKE" us on FB at "THE K3 PROJEKT".
K3 Projekt BMW M3 E92 on 20X9 20X11 Projekt 1 Wheels. Cha
We had a great time making this video and hope you enjoy it as much as we do. We would also like to thank everyone involved with making it happen. To learn more about K3 Projekt and our all new PROJEKT 1 wheels please visit our site @ THEK3PROJEKT.COM. Also "LIKE" us on FB at "THE K3 PROJEKT".
Please check out the spot that we made for the Doritos Superbowl contest this year. I feel really good about this one, but we'd look better if we can increase the view hits on the Doritos site. Take a look, and feel free to let me know what you think!