lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

K3 projekt wheels Audi s5 mounted on our project filmed and edited by Fini Maza

Os presento el segudo video de nuestro primer capitulo K3 projekt llantas de aleacion montadas en Audi s5 projekt "MISBEHAVING"

i would like to introduce you to our second video of our 1st chapter. K3 Projekt wheels presents our AUDI S5 Projekt: "MISBEHAVING"

We had a great time making this video and hope you enjoy it as much as we do. We would also like to thank everyone involved with making it happen. To learn more about K3 Projekt Wheels and our all new PROJEKT 1 wheels please visit our site @ WWW.K3PROJEKT.COM. Also "LIKE" us on FB at "THE K3 PROJEKT".

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